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How to Use Email for Demand Generation

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Email has the highest ROI of any tactic, and despite claims that the medium was dying its impact has not decreased. However, it’s still a challenging tactic with which to get results. This class will cover how to send more effective messages, how to identify segments that will boost engagement, how to test the elements of your messages to get the best results, and how to look beyond the open rate of an email as a measure of success. The central part of email effectiveness is one word: personalization. Creating emails that really work means sending them to the right person at the right time. Additionally, the technology now exists to automate email marketing to make it efficient and more effective. Pair that technology with extensive testing and tracking capabilities and email can quickly become your most effective online marketing tactic.

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Kim Albee

Founder and President

As President of Genoo, Kim brings integrated marketing tools to small and midsized businesses interested in growing their businesses and using the internet to achieve better results.
In addition, Kim has gained expertise and recognition in helping SMB organizations achieve increased results through utiliz more.

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