Bill Bruno currently holds the position of CEO at Stratigent, where he has worked actively in the analytics space for over 7 years. In prior years at Stratigent, Bill has led the services team and has been an consultant as well. He has extensive experience helping clients with a wide range of business requirements to optimize their online marketing initiatives. Additionally, Bill is viewed as a leader in the space due to his extensive technical background and ability to create and execute actionable strategies for his clients. He has a true passion for analytics, and has spoken on best practices at numerous industry events including eMetrics, Ad:Tech, Content Week, Affiliate Summit, DMA B2B and ACCM, VisCon, Online Marketing Summit, WebTrends Marketing Optimization Tour and many more. Mr. Bruno is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a BS in Computer Engineering. He also holds several professional certifications for all of the leading web analytics tools and a variety of supplemental tools and services.