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5 Ways Social Media Tools Can Make You More Effective

Assuming you have a smart social media strategy in place, it’s really important to spend time selecting the right social media tools for your business, in order to save time and improve your results.

Here are 5 ways social media tools that can make you more effective.

1. Schedule content at the right time 

If you have followers around the globe and you want to share great content you might want to send your content at a time when most of your followers are online or send it multiple times to make sure your followers see it. 

If you’re an active Twitter user sending your important content multiple times is essential if you really want a large part of your fan base to see it.

Socialbro analyzes your twitter following to detect when they are online.  There are other tools that can help in this area also.

2. Manage multiple accounts more efficiently

As your social media presence develops you’ll probably have profiles for you and/or your company built up over multiple social media sites.  For example, Twitter, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

You can open up each of these and read and share content directly.  However it is more efficient if you use a management tool that can help.

For example, SproutSocial is a a good social media management tool that supports  Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter.

3.  Save time curating and reading content

Reading and sharing great content is important in social media. But finding the best content to read and share is time consuming.

RELATED CLASS: Best Practices for Integrated Content & Social Media Marketing

Content curation is the process of filtering through content to find the most suitable content for you. But you don’t have to do the initial filtering of content. There are social media tools that can help. For example, Swayy is a content curation tool that tries to find content relevant to your niche.  This will save you a lot of time. 

4. Monitor important conversations online

Social media is a constant stream of conversation that’s hard to keep up with.  But it’s essential to keep track of conversations about you and your brand.  You may also want to keep track of conversations about your competitors.

This is where social media monitoring tools can help.  They can be used to filter out the most interesting conversations.

For example, Viral Heat is a social media management tool that has a monitoring facility. You can set up alerts based on the keywords you want to track.

5. Automate the repetitive tasks

Building relationships through social media is essential for success and this cannot be automated. However, repetitive tasks can be automated, or done much faster. For example, you can set up your blog so any new post is automatically shared through Hootsuite or Dlvr.it.

Why do this manually when you always want the content shared?

What tools do you use to make you more efficient?  What action will you take as a result of this post?

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