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Content Marketing Personas & Prospects

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In this course, learners will be able to define what a brand persona is and how it impacts marketing, identify the geographics, demographics and psychographics that make up a persona as well define predictive behavior and triggers. This course takes learners on the buyer’s journey and teaches them the point of pain/solution for the buyer.This module is extremely valuable for building and bulking your brand.


  • Define what a brand persona is and how it impacts marketing.
  • Identify the geographics, demographics and psychographics that make up a persona.
  • Define predictive behavior and triggers.
  • Examine a buyer’s journey.
  • Describe how content supports the buyer’s journey and addresses the point of pain.

About this Class


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Mardy Sitzer

Walking away from corporate America in 1993, Mardy Sitzer began her venture as an entrepreneur building a design and marketing firm. As a Certified Inbound Marketing Professional armed with passion and experience, her goal has always been to level the playing field for businesses by leveraging technology for so more.

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